Tuesday, June 20, 2017

החידושים החקלאיים של ישראל אשר הוצגו בתערוכת "פרש אגרו משוב"

למרות העובדה שהמיקום הגיאוגרפי של ישראל לא אידאלי לחלקלאות בשל אדמותיה המדבריות, העדר מים והאקלים, ישראל לא רק הפכה למובילה עולמית בטכנולוגיות החקלאות והחדשנות, אלא גם לתורמת מרכזית ובינלאומית בתחום של יצוא תוצרת טרייה. ישראל מעורבת בהצלחה בתעשייה  עד כדי כך שהיא אירחה את "פרש אגרו משוב" , ואת פסגת התוצרת הבינלאומית לשנת 2017, ב27 שנים האחרונות עבור כל אירופה, אסיה ואפריקה

ההיסטוריה החקלאית של ישראל היא של מחויבות ומסירות.
בשנים קודמות,הציגה אגרו משוב חלק מהחידושים החקלאיים הרבים של ישראל, שכן היא בעלת שם עולמי בשל ההתפתחות החקלאית הדינמית שלה.

ישראל ייצרה טכניקות חקלאיות רבות המשומשות ברחבי העולם : מערכת השקיה בטפטוף; זרעי מלפפון היברידי עמידים מפני מחלות ובעלי התאמה לקציר רפואי;  שקיות ענק המספקות דרך פשוטה וזולה לחקלאים אפריקאים ואסייתיים לשמור על התבואה שלהם טרייה, ולוודא שהמסוק נשאר נקי ומוגן בחום ובלחות; החייאת הזרע הנכחד העתיק ביותר דקל תמר יהודה, ויצירת עגבניות השרי מזן טומצ'י.
 אגרו משוב תמשיך להציג את התקדמותה מידי שנה, בשיתוף עם הציבור.

התערוכה תתקיים במרכז הירידים והכנסים, בין התאריכים 27-28 ביוני 2017, והיא צפויה לקבל בברכה יותר מ-20 אלף אורחים. התערוכה מציעה הזדמנויות רבות לחיזוק קשרים, למידה בתעשייה, ומעבר לכך זוהי נקודת מפגש אידיאלית בשביל אורחים מכל רחבי העולם להחשף לסוגיות כגון: בעיות ופתרונות של מחסור במים, מזון וקרקעות ועוד סוגיות חקלאיות רבות איתם מתמודד העולם כיום.

למידע נוסף:
תערוכת חקלאות פרש אגרו-משוב
מרכז הירידים, תל אביב

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Israel's Agricultural Innovations Showcased at Fresh Agro-Mashov Exhibition

Despite the fact that the geographical location of Israel is not the greatest agricultural terrain due to its desert lands, lack of water, and climate, it has not only become a world leader in agriculture technologies and innovation but is also a major contributor to the international exportation of fresh produce. So much so is its successful involvement in the industry that it has hosted the FreshAgro-Mashov Exhibiton & International Fresh Produce Summit 2017 for the past 27 years for all of Europe, Asia and Africa. Israel's agricultural history is one of commitment and dedication.

In previous years, the Agro-Mashov showcase has displayed some of Israel’s many agricultural innovations, as they are world renowned for their dynamic agricultural developments. They are the creators of many agricultural techniques used far and wide such as: the drip irrigation system for Israeli nurseries; hybrid cucumber seeds that are disease resistant and suitable for medical harvesting; grain cocoons, huge bags that provide a simple and inexpensive way for African and Asian farmers to keep their grain market-fresh, making sure the harvest remains clean and protected in heat and humidity; the Judean date palm, the oldest seed to ever be revived from extinction, and the Tomaccio Cherry Tomato. Agro-Mashov  will continue to display its advancements annually, sharing them with the public.

The exhibition will take place at the Israel Trade Fairs & Convention Center, from 27-28 June 2017 and is expected to welcome over 20,000 guests. It offers many opportunities for networking and learning opportunities in the industry, and is an ideal rendezvous point for guests from all over the world for exposure to issues such as the problems and solutions of shortages in water, food and land, and many more agricultural issues that the world faces today.

For more information:
Fresh Agro-Mashov Agriculture Exhibition
Israel Fairs & Exhibition Center, Tel Avivwww.mashov.net

Monday, June 12, 2017

למה כדאי לך לבקר בתערוכת פרש אגרומשוב 2017

תערוכת חקלאות ותוצרת טרייה בינלאומית של פרש אגרומשוב 2017, מציגה את המגזר החקלאי התוסס והמתקדם בישראל. בשנה ה -27 ברציפות, יתקיים האירוע בן היומיים בתאריכים 27-28 ביוני 2017 במרכז הירידים, אולם2 בתל אביב.

המציגים מורכבים ממנהיגים בתעשיות החקלאיות בעולם, מה שהופך את התערוכה למקום אידיאלי לחפש פתרונות חדשניים כדי לענות על הביקוש העולמי הגובר למוצרים וטכנולוגיות חקלאיות.

כמו כן, ישתתפו באירוע אנשי שיווק, סיטונאים, מגדלים ומשלחות מ -30 מדינות ברחבי העולם.

רשימה זו של המציגים הבינלאומיים כוללת חברות כגון:
John Deere, Bayer, HCR Seeds, De Ruiter Seeds, Massey Ferguson Tractors, New Holland, Case, Pure Line Seeds, Kaneko Seeds, Takada Seed, Monsanto, Zata Seeds, Kekkilä, Agrexco, Carmel, Jaffa, Origene Seeds, Deshanim-Israel.

 הנושאים העיקריים לשנה זו:
מצגת על עגבנייתהשרי – יובל ליקופן   
  עגבניית "יובל" היא בעלת מראה ייחודי וטעם " של פעם". היא מכילה ריכוז גבוה של ליקופן.
• כנס שנתי של חוות החלב
  האבוקדו נחשב לאחד הפירות הכי בריאים רווחיים ויציבים בעולם.

תערוכת פרש אגרומשוב תוצג ע"י חברות, רשויות, חוקרים ואנשי מקצוע בינלאומיים בתעשיית התוצרת הטרייה הבינלאומית. זו תהייה בשבילך הזדמנות נהדרת לבוא פנים מול פנים עם מנהיגים בשוק העולמי. מלבד חיזוק הקשרים איתם, יהיו לך הזדמנויות עסקיות יוצאות דופן.

אנחנו מזמינים אותך לפגוש מגדלים, קונים, סיטונאים ומשווקים של תוצרת חקלאית טרייה מישראל ומחו"ל. תנצל את ההזדמנות היוצאת דופן הזו, ואת האדמה הפוריה ליצירת קשרים עסקיים מועילים עם המגזר החקלאי המקומי והבינלאומי.

למידע נוסף:
תערוכת פרש אגרומשוב  
מרכז הירידים, תל אביב

Why You Should Visit the Fresh Agro-Mashov Exhibition & Summit 2017

The Fresh Agro-Mashov Exhibiton &International Fresh Produce Summit 2017 is an annual International Exhibition of Agriculture which showcases Israel's vibrant and highly advanced agricultural sector. 

In its 27th consecutive year, the two-day event will be held during 27-28 June 2017 at the Israel Trade Fairs & Convention Center, Hall 2, in Tel Aviv.

Exhibitors consist of leaders in the global agricultural industries, which makes the exhibition the ideal venue to look for innovative solutions to meet the ever increasing global demand for agricultural products and technologies.

Retail chains officials, wholesalers, growers as well as delegations from 30 countries all over the world will be attending the event.

Amongst international exhibitors are: John Deere, Bayer, HCR Seeds, De Ruiter Seeds, Massey Ferguson Tractors, New Holland, Case, Pure Line Seeds, Kaneko Seeds, Takada Seed, Monsanto, Zata Seeds, Kekkilä, Agrexco, Carmel, Jaffa, Origene Seeds, Deshanim-Israel as well as many other companies.

This year’s highlights:
  • Presentation of the Yuval Cherry LycopeneThe "Yuval" variety is a tomato with a unique look and the flavor of "yesterday". It also has a high concentration of lycopene.
  • Annual Dairy Farm Conference
  • AvocadoConference - June 27-28, 2017
        The avocado is considered to be one of the healthiest fruits and one of the most profitable and stable crops in the world.

The Fresh Agro-Mashov Exhibition 2017 will be attended by global companies, authorities, researchers and professionals in the international fresh produce industry. It will provide you with a great opportunity to come face-to-face with global market leaders. Apart from networking, it will also create excellent business opportunities for you.

Meet growers, buyers, wholesalers and marketers of fresh agricultural produce from Israel and abroad. Take advantage of an extraordinary opportunity and fertile ground for creating beneficial business relationships with the local and international agricultural sector.

For more information
Fresh Agro-Mashov Agriculture Exhibition
Israel Fairs & Exhibition Center, Tel Aviv

Saturday, March 11, 2017

7 Tips for Selecting the Right Translation Provider and Making It a Positive Experience

“It is the task of the translator to release in his own language, that pure language that is under the spell of another, to liberate the language imprisoned in a work in his recreation of that work”

 Are you taking your business worldwide? You are if you own a website on the internet. Technology has allowed for the adoption of international transactions, and it is important that your web content, and all customer oriented documents, such as brochures and user manuals, are accessible and readable in other languages so that your company can reach a wider audience. Conducting business internationally is within your reach, with the simple implementation of translation services.

Translation services are becoming extremely popular in today’s global market, as it helps in cutting across language barriers and interacting with people in other countries. As with any service, a thorough investigation and research prior to choosing a translation company will benefit you in many ways and ensure a positive and successful experience.

     Set expectations with the translation company
It is important for them to understand who your target audience is, and what type of document you are having to translate. E.g. translating a brochure or website content for a niche market requires a different set of translation skills as opposed to translating an installation manual
     Check the capabilities of the translation house
     Quality Control
Ensure that the company houses a translator, and an editor (a qualified linguist) who proofreads to document for errors. Obtain a guarantee that multiple revisions are included in the service until satisfaction in the document is delivered
     Conduct a test translation
Send a paragraph or two to several translators/translation companies for a mock translation prior to committing to a specific translation house. This “test” translation is a way to demonstrate the quality of their work. The review of the work should be conducted by one who is fluent in the foreign language, fully understands the industry terminology, and knows the target audience.
     Verify prices and deadlines
Most companies charge per source word. Obtain a few quotes before making your selection. Verify that the company you choose can meet your deadlines, including formatting the final document and translating the image descriptions.
     Check the availability of the translator
Once you have chosen the specific translator house, ensure that your documents will be worked on by the specific translator who conducted the trial testing.
     Create a glossary of industry related key terms
This offers guidelines and saves all parties time when translating and proofreading. When receiving the translated document, review it to ensure that industry related terminology, style, document layout, look and feel are identical to the original text.

Finding the right translation provider that can reliably deliver high-quality translations can be a daunting task. Take the time to check them out as this will save you time, money and headaches.  If you are unable to do the translation work yourself, think twice before outsourcing the work as it can be more harmful for your business than beneficial if not done correctly. Most importantly, you will want to insure that you are working with a full-service company that offers quality work, multiple language translations, and offers superb customer-client relationships. Ultimately, those are key!

* Quote by Walter Benjamin

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

A Marketer's’ First Measure of Success

“People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care”
Theodore Roosevelt

Customer Satisfaction. It is now, and should always have been the marketers’ first measure of success, as it is the most important principle of marketing a business successfully.

Marketing has now entered the "age of the customer", where customers have more information, choices, and power than ever before. The “customer experience”, the culmination of all brand and customer interactions, now matters more than
When customers interact with a brand, they expect consistency. They expect their interactions across any channel to be the same. This demonstrates to them that the company that they are dealing with really knows and understands them. They develop a "connection" and loyalty to that company.

Marketing teams have shifted their mindset and tactics from marketing at customers, to focusing on creating a cohesive customer journey, from beginning to end. If we truly put customers at the center of our thinking, we connect the heart of the business to the heart of the consumer, and that is the connection that is resilient and hard to break . It is the connection marketers and customers pursue.
image courtesy of http://www.foresee.com

In 2016, as Digital Media is declared "the King", the "customer experience" is considered the crown jewel of marketing, and both are now shaping the pace for the profession. Predictive intelligence tools such as Salesforce are making it easier for marketers to track customer behavior and use insights to create highly personalized interactions. By collecting customer data in real time, these marketers apply what they know about individuals to tailor the customer experience.

To ensure success in the future, companies must redirect all tactics, both internal
and external towards customer satisfaction. They should implement corporate wide regulations in all units and departments to align in the same vision, creating the ultimate customer experience.

*Data derived from State of Marketing Report, 2016, Trends and insights from nearly 4,000
marketing leaders worldwide

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Orchestrating a Successful Exhibition – The Art of Conducting It Right (Part 2)

Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance

After having answered the fundamental questions about your reasons for the exhibition (Purpose for participation), and having conducted the necessary Pre-exhibition preparations, both discussed in part 1 of this series of blog posts, we will now move to the next phase of planning a successful exhibition.

How to attract visitors and attention to your stand
An eye-catching and impressive booth attracts attention and visitors quickly. Similar to visiting a website, you have only seconds to impress and attract passersby, therefore, it is very crucial that you think creatively about how to garner the much needed attention. Setting up a display of various products and materials, having a demonstration of video clips or how your products works, or employing a clean and clear design best tailored for your audience, you can be sure that these are all critical factors that can bring you well-earned attention.

credit: www.digitalmarketingphilippines.com
Listed below are some methods that will enable you to achieve that:
•  Decide on a suitable stand construction (open space versus shell scheme)
•  Customize the design and branding of your booth (as opposed to using roll up posters and pop ups) and use stand illuminations
•  Provide a unique demonstration of exactly how your product works
•  Make use of (free) advertisement in the exhibition catalog/newspaper, event website, event guide
•  Offer branded giveaways suitable for your target audience and for the different level of visitors
•  Offer visitors warm and cold drinks and make arrangements for daily Happy Hour
•  Organize a raffle or competition (great opportunity to collect business cards)
•  Invite industry experts or branch specialists to your booth as guest speakers
•  Hand out invitations to your booth among your prospects
•  Wear branded and unified clothing

•  Ensure that while designing your booth, you take into consideration important factors like meeting space and proper seating arrangements 
•  Keep an adequate supply of well-presented collateral, promotional materials and business cards in your stand and in the show press office
•  Keep the booth clean at all times (without dust, fingerprints and used coffee cups)

Exhibition Stand Staff Training
80% of the success rate of an exhibition is largely dependent on the performance of the stand staff during the exhibition as they are the company ambassadors, and are a key ingredient to having a successful show.

credit: www.peacemakers.org.uk
You only have one shot to make an impression on your prospects. After engagement with your staff you want them to walk away from the booth completely impressed by your professional team, with a strong conviction that you can deliver what they need, and that you possess the right team to support them. Consequently, you need to invest time in the training and development of your staff’s skills so as to empower them for the task ahead.

Sales people do not necessarily need to be your stand staff, as an exhibition offers a unique environment in which the visitors tend and should to do most of the talking as opposed to the typical selling experience which sales people are accustomed to. Ensure that you choose your stand staff wisely.

Whatever staff you decide to recruit for the exhibition, inform them of your reasons for the exhibition at the event, your objectives, their duties and responsibilities, and how they are expected to function. 

In order to avoid valuable time wastage on irrelevant or unimportant prospects for your business on the part of your stand staff, teach them to ask influential questions that enable them to engage, qualify, present and close within a predetermined length of time.

A motivated, well-trained team goes the extra mile to distinguish your company. At those booth stands where unprepared and non-enthused staff is  present, they will sit down at their stands, work on their laptops or phones, and talk to each other - it looks unprofessional and unappealing.

Ensure that your stand staff realizes that at all times they are viewed and heard everywhere. They need to comprehend that their behavior and conduct are "on display", similar to your products or services.

•  Involve only essential people at the early stage of planning your exhibition in order to set measurable goals, clear messaging and lead generation tactics
•  Conduct several pre-show planning and follow-on-progress meetings to be followed by a final briefing (including booth work schedule)
•  Organize a specific stand staff training session

Coming up next :
- During the event
- After the event

Want to learn more about successful exhibition planning? Contact me for more information at arielleadler@yahoo.comarielleadler@yahoo.com